My project was focused on how cultural ideas of class relating to sport fishing has influenced and damaged the ecology of fisheries throughout the United States. I was able to tie European, specifically English, ideas of class into the current ecological peril that many watersheds in the United States now find themselves in. For this project I created a story map. I was originally planning to use the map feature to showcase my points, after a lot of work I realized in order to tell the story like I wanted, this wasn’t possible. I instead went with the “sidecar” function. This allowed me to embed my text over images depicting the areas or ideas that the text was focusing on. This resource allowed me to create a more visually appealing and engaging project than just a research paper. One drawback to this is the limitations it has on where you can place text. I was not able to insert text in multiple places over each photo, only the right side. Overall, I think Story Map was the right choice for my project!

Project Link