This week I was lucky enough to read “Privilege at Play: Class, Race, Gender, and Golf in Mexico.” In this article it is talking about women’s involvement in golf in Mexico. The reading focuses on the interaction between women in upper classes to those in working classes and women’s interaction to men in the sport of golf. This source helps better understand this weeks reading topic which is manliness in sports/ challenging femininity.

To discuss this article I want to focus on two quotes from the reading that pull out the chapters main point. The first quote  is when the article said on page 172 “These women were like most men at the clubs in that their class an racial identities granted them a higher status than most women and men in the middle and particularly lower classes.” One of the sources main arguments is that in golf clubs their was this hierarchy among women based on their class and racial background. One idea that the article discussed is that women in high classes would call their caddies or chauffeur by their name and sometimes they called their works by names that were similar to their actual na,e, while the working individuals would use mrs and would talk about their employers with affection. This shows that women in working positions were supposed to show respect to upper class women, while upper class women looked down upon and were disrespectful to their workers.This created this hierarchy among women in the sport of golf. 

The second quote is found on page 173 when it says ”despite women’s class and racial privilege, hegemonic masculinity subordinated them to men inside golf clubs.” In this chapter their second main argument is that even though their was a hierarchy among women, women were still in subordination to men when it came to golf. There was one main difference between the sport of golf an other sports this being that in golf, men are seen as dominate over women because of the are more stronger, faster, and skillful. During this time women tees were closer to the hole and they were given shorter time slots due to the differences in women and men’s