Hello! My name is Grace. This semester, I’m looking forward to learning about the connection between sport and national identity and how this varies between different nations and sports. I think this class will add an interesting dimension to my understanding of cultural history in the Western hemisphere!

I don’t follow any particular sport closely, but my favorite ones to watch are soccer, basketball, and hockey. I also find endurance running to be really interesting, and follow a few endurance runners on social media because what they do amazes me! One “sport story” that I’m watching this year, however, is the Detroit Lions advancing so far this season. As a Michigander, it’s great to see our team doing well!

In high school, I participated in soccer, basketball, cross country and track, and swimming, so these sports hold a special place in my heart! I hope that as a high school teacher I’ll have an opportunity to coach cross country one day. Here’s a picture that was published in my local newspaper of my teammates and I before a race in 2018!